I Am Perfect
One phrase that has always haunted me was, “Nobody’s Perfect…”. Yet, this phrase is something that most people would agree on. But, I do not agree with this because, I Am Perfect. When you think about it, we are all perfect. We always have and we always will be perfect, whether we want to accept it or not.
I say that I am perfect because, I make lots of mistakes, I don’t always get things right the first time and I lie sometimes for no reason at all. If you see my face, then you know that I have the perfect face. Every ingrown hair is right where it should be. When my lips are dry, they crack with precision. My eyes are the perfect color and they don’t always see clearly without my glasses.
As for my body… it too is perfect. I have scars from past injuries. My belly fat is where it should be. My arms are on opposite sides of my body and my legs are muscular in some places and firm in other places.
So, with all that being said, wouldn’t you agree that I am perfect too? Or course you would. Why…? Well, people have a knack for noticing imperfections. When we noticed imperfections, we tend to inquire about the imperfections. E.g., If my belly fat were to disappear, most of you would notice and some of you would ask questions. If my ingrown hair bumps were to disappear and/or I had no lips at all, people would immediately notice and some would even question. If I never made any mistakes, then people would question my authenticity. Some would even suspect me of being something other than… me.
However, for those who have at least seen me more than once, you have to admit that I was the same person that I was the last time you saw me. Why? Because if you compare how I look and how I am today to how I looked and how I was yesterday… you have a perfect comparison. The minute that my image and/or personality changes, you will notice and you will question. Why? Because as I am at this very moment… I Am Perfect.