Monday, May 12, 2008

Meet Mr. NOW

People… are living your life or waiting to die? I only ask because of my many conversations with others. It seems that most of us are waiting on something great or miraculous to happen. Why wait? Why do we disrespect the present (now)? What is it about the now that causes us to reflect on the past and look to the future for salvation. Reality is now and everything else is just a thought or a dream. We all share two primary blessings that guides our movement throughout our lives, #1. Desire and #2. Ability. We all have desires to experience life and its many chapters and we all have the ability to make it happen. So with this in mind, what’s the problem with taking advantage of this very moment? This is now and this is the only thing that you can control. You cannot control the past nor can you control the future… just the now.

So with respect to the now, I want you to take a good look at your desires, including the bad ones. What makes those desires good? What makes those desires bad? What is wrong with wanting a nicer house, a nicer vehicle, nicer clothes, a newer you, etc…? Some religious folk might think that your desires are worldly and sinful. However, to ignore your own desires (in my opinion) is equivalent to self-genocide. Ignoring your desires is very detrimental to your knowledge of self. Learn to love yourself as is and proceed to live life as is. Not how it was and not how it should be. To live your life means to take the now and allow it to materialize right before you, which leads me to the next blessing.

ABILITY. Ability allows you to materialize your desires. What abilities do you have right now? If you can learn the simplest lessons then you are the most powerful person you know. You can get the life that you desire… but… to use your ability means to proceed with energy. Rev Run shared with us that Energy plus Optimism equals Progress. Therefore if you want Progress, then you must PROCEED with OPTIMISM!!! There is nothing wrong with praying, if prayer is a part of your life… but if you don’t start moving, then you end up wishing, dreaming and collecting dust as you wait to DIE!!!

Some of us experience achievements and sell ourselves short by giving all the credit to God alone. You all need to get over this hump like…right now (please read on). To give God credit is never wrong, but if you ever start to give more credit to yourself, then you will have emancipated yourself from your own oppression. If you can give more credit to yourself then you no longer have to wait around for God to give you something. NEWSFLASH: It was the Creator that gave you the ability to achieve in the first place!!! Meaning… you have already received your blessing. So what are you going to do with it! Grab the now as if it were a ball of clay and turn your self and your life into a masterpiece.

I could write all night about this… but someone may actually read this with little time to spare.

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