Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Hello all and thanks for visiting this blog. Your thoughts and input will always be welcome here. I only asked that you try to be as honest and understanding as possible. I truly hope to discuss and reflect on a wide variety of topics. No topic is off limits. However, please know that I am not an expert of all subjects, and any advice given by me or any other bloggers will likely be based on our personal experiences.

Currently I am compiling a list of topics for future discussion. Please be patient as I will be sharing my first topic soon. Take Care and be safe.

Chuck Pierce

1 comment:

Lionel Woods said...

Welcome to the blogosphere bro! Good to see you journaling some thoughts. I can't wait to interact with you. By the way your family is beautiful bro! I never knew who you married but got it now. Much love bro.

Lionel Woods